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Carbon Capture
We Can help With a Concept Development

 Carbon capture can be very complex and significant part of the capital and operating cost depending on several factors; type of industry, capture technology, purity of CO2 source and volume of capture.

  • Pre-combustion processes (example: Syngas) yield high purity CO2 (40%)  and therefore need less energy & cost compared  to CO2 from post-combustion processes (ex: coal power-plants ~ CO2 (7-14%), or Natural gas (NG)  power plant with Co2 `4 -7 %.

  • Carbon capture process can be simple and less costly (ethanol, NGP, H2/NH3 production)) than say in cement plant

  • CO2 capture from NG processing plants  is most commercial, as capture plant is part of design

  • Cost of capture differs between technologies; Amine-absorption is the most mature technology

  • Sorbents & membranes; state-of-the-art technologies are still in development can be used offshore

  • Most pure capture projects to date are onshore. Sleipner is the only dedicate offshore CCS project.

  • All credits generated in CCS lifecycle project are allocated to capturing plant.

  • A large amine based capture plant (retrofit) can cost as much as 50 - 80% of total cost of CCUS

What is a competitive Landscape of Operational Projects ?

Below is a sneak-preview of few operational capture projects & unique technology applications

Sleipner – Natural Gas Processing (NGP) Plant - Offshore

The Sleipner is worlds first CCS pure storage (No EOR) project that captures and dispose CO2 offshore (Norway) in saline aquifer. The plant captures CO2 from NGP plant offshore with amine process. CO2 is of high purity and CO2 capture capacity is ~ 1.0 mtpa. To date over 20 million ton (MT) of CO2 has be stored.


Shute Creek – Natural Gas Processing (NGP) Plant 

The plant captures CO2 from NGP plant in Shute Creek Wyoming. CO2 in raw gas is 65% and is transported for EOR via 450 km pipeline. CO2 capture capacity is 7.0 mtpa

Shute Creek CCS.jpg

Coffeyville Gasification Plant – Nitrogen Fertilizer

The plant captures CO2 from fertilizer plant. CO2 and is transported  via 110 km CO2 pipeline to site for EOR. CO2 capture capacity is 7.0 mtpa

Coffeyville ccs.jpg

Petra Nova – Coal Fired Power-Plant (Post-Combustion)

The 240 MW coal fired power plant is the largest and only one of two coal power plant with CCS. The plant captures 90% of CO2 from power plant near Houston, Texas. CO2 in raw gas is 11-15% and is transported for EOR via 81 mile pipeline. CO2 capture capacity is 1.9 mtpa. Plant stopped operation in 2020 when oil price dipped to $40.

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Great Plain Synfuel Plant – Goal Gasification (Pre-Combustion)

The plant captures CO2 from synfuel plant (Pre-combustion) in N. Dakota USA. CO2 is dry & 95% pure and is transported to Canada via 329 km CO2 pipeline to site for EOR. CO2 capture capacity is 3.0 mtpa

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Air Products Port Arthur Plant – CCS on Hydrogen Production

The plant captures CO2 from two H2 units in Port Arthur, Texas USA.. CO2  is transported via 158 km CO2 pipeline to site for EOR. CO2 capture capacity is 1.0 mtpa

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Emirates Steel Industries (ESI)  – Abu Dhabi CCS on Iron & Steel

The plant captures CO2 from ESI . CO2  is transported via 43 km CO2 pipeline to site for EOR in Rumaitha field operated by ADNOC group. CO2 capture capacity is 0.8 mtpa in Phase-1

Abu Dhabi CCS.jpg

Amine absorption retrofit for CO2 capture & removal

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